Monday, March 1, 2010

Tired Little Lady

Having 4-day weekends is pretty awesome, but the downside is, come Monday night I can barely function. This weekend I went to Sun Valley to spend time with some family, hang out with friends, and help out with Marley in the Mountains. Friday night I went on a little photo excursion which included stops at Dollar Mountain and Trail Creek. Here are some of my favorite shots from Friday:

Andrew with Baldy in the background.

Saturday I organized the recycling for the Marley in the Mountains concert, so basically I stood around outside for 7 hours or so. The concert itself was EPIC! Great artists, great turn out, and it snowed! I got to celebrate my recent birthday with some friends and my brother, which involved drinking a beer I thought was gross and drinking a cocktail that made me realize that I'd rather have Red Bull without being paired with vodka.
Sunday I went on yet another little photo excursion (not to many things to do in a small resort town, when you chose NOT to go skiing/snowboarding). After a brief stop at Dollar, Andrew and I ended up back out Trail Creek, this time opting to trudge through the snow to find things to shoot. Again, here are some of my favorite shots:

Drew Deffe with the new Dollar Lodge in the reflection (thought I should point out that this NEW lodge is not nearly as epic as the previous one).

Photo: Andrew McKean

Sunday evening I went out to dinner with my mom, brother and some extended family to celebrate Heidi's (my half-step-cousin) birthday. Since my new favorite thing to do is take pictures, I decided this was a perfect opportunity to learn about shooting in low light with no flash.

Little Caz, getting to the candles before his mom even had a chance.

Thomas and friends.

(Monday, finally. See 4-day weekends are exhausting.) After a session with my favorite masseur, Bob Coplin, and lunch with my brother at Wise Guy, I drove the 3.5 hours to Reynolds Creek to work on my project, Catalysis. Since it was late in the day, I decided not to warm up (most likely not the best idea). I was able to put in a few good goes and make some progress (hah, and I thought I was close last week). Here is a little vid I threw together of one of my best goes:

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